Contact information:
Prof. Nak-seung Patrick Hyun
Office: MSEE 274
email: nhyun AT purdue DOT edu
Department profile : Link
Currently enrolled Purdue students:
Current Ph.D. or M.S. graduate students at Purdue University are highly encouraged to email me directly about your interest and experience along with your most recent CV. I also welcome undergraduate students who want to learn about research in control theory, dynamic modeling, and robotics control. Please email me your interests and background, including the most recent resumes.
Prospective Purdue students:
I am highly interested in self-motivated students who wanted to explore control theory, optimization, and bio-inspired robotics control. Please contact Prof. Hyun for possible opportunities.
Postdoctoral researchers and visiting students:
I am looking for a passionate Postdoctoral fellow with a strong background in nonlinear control theory and/or experience in UAV control (preferably flapping-wing vehicle but not restricted to it). Please send me a SINGLE PDF, which includes an updated CV, a cover letter describing research interests and goals, a full list of publications, and up to three relevant scientific papers. Please submit the names and contact information for up to three references.